Saturday 14 March 2015

Dribble fundamentals

Hi Basketlovers!

Today we are going to learn more about basketball dribble fundamentals.
Dribble is one of the most important fundamentals of offensive basketball, because is the only way that the player move the ball down the court.
Therefore, it is very important that players have to dominate all the secrets about the dribble. As a coach, our task is trying to convert this drill in a natural gesture.

  • Watch the ball while dribbling.
  • Hit it with the palm of the hand.
  • Too loose bouncing
  • Bouncing high.
  • Closed fingers.

  • Lay-ups.
  • To leave a pressure situation.
  • To change the ball hand, if you can not pass.
  • To improve passing angles.

  • Progression dribble: it is the most used, as it is done continuously as we move down the court.
  • Protection dribble: used to maintain our position before the harassment of a defensive player that prevents us from progressing.
  • Speed dribble: your goal is to move as quickly as possible. 
  • Dribble with both hands: you can only give once, it is normally used by pivots to achieve the position of defender.
Image 1. Protection dribble. By Chad Cooper (Flickr: Dribbling) 

These are the basic instructions about the dribble. In future posts we'll write about exercises and workouts to improve it. Now... you can enjoy this video of dribbling workout for pro-levels. Maybe one day your players can do this, you think? 

Video Link: 5 minute dribbling workout. (Video from Ryan Goodson. Creative Common License video: Attribution).

"I play to win, whether during practice or a real game. And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win." - Michael Jordan.


Contenido de el bote en baloncesto, recuperado el 14/03/2015 de:

"El bote", Tema 4, recuperado el 14/03/2015 de:


  1. Buenas! Siempre he tenido una duda con respecto al regate... ¿si tienes al jugador contrario delante qué tipo de regate me recomendáis? Siempre consiguen quitarme la pelota! :(

    p.d: Esta chulo el blog.


  2. Hola Ángela! Antes que nada, en baloncesto no usamos la palabra regate, podemos referirnos de otras formas: fintas, recursos, etc. Creo, que lo que estás buscando es proteger el balón, para ello se utiliza el cuerpo y la mano contraria a la de bote.. y así evitamos que nos roben el balón. En futuras entradas hablaremos de ello, no lo dudes!!

    Gracias por tu comentario!!

  3. ah vale! jajaja muchas gracias Rebeca, ya os contaré si funciona tu consejo o no! ;) necesito más control con el balón jejeje


  4. Muy interesante!!. Gracias por las aclaraciones. Y enhorabuena por el blog!
